Gabriel Zachmann, Marcus Hardt, Uros Stevanovic
EGI Conference 2021
Long running compute job
(Longer than lifetime of Access Token)
Different ways to create a mytoken:
Dimensions of restrictions
, audience
[{"exp" :1634300000,
"nbf" :1634400000,
"scope" :"compute.create",
"audience" :["fedcloud"]
"exp" :1634300000,
"nbf" :1634400000,
"scope" :"",
"audience" :[""]
"exp" :1635300000,
"nbf" :1635400000,
"scope" :"storage.write",
"audience" :[""]}]
No Time for Demo :(
# Create and store a mytoken under 'egi' name. Starts OIDC flow
$ mytoken MT store --oidc egi
# Create and return a mytoken from the 'egi' mytoken with restrictions
$ mytoken MT -t egi --exp=+1d --ip=this --usages-AT=5
# Obtain Access Token (using default mytoken)
$ mytoken AT
# Obtain Access Token with specific scopes and audience
$ mytoken AT -s openid -s profile -s entitlement --aud "fedcloud"
- Summary